ned Productions Consulting

Technology musings by Niall Douglas
ned Productions Consulting
(an expert advice and services company based in Ireland)

Friday 22nd April 2016 12.12pm

I really didn't expect the talk on proposed Boost.AFIO to be as popular as it was at the ACCU conference: they put me into the "popular room" out of the five concurrent talk strands where they videotape and publish the talks pretty much immediately, so here is my workshop yesterday online already. I was a bit flustered at the beginning, I had less than five minutes to set up and the live demo I was supposed to demonstrate failed to compile due to me fixing a regression in Outcome in the bar the night before which broke AFIO. On top of that the wireless mouse refused to connect and I had realised I'd placed the mic badly on my shirt, and I really hadn't been expecting so many people to turn up, so I definitely had a bit of nerves at the beginning! I tried my best not to breathe too hard during the talk knowing the bad placement of the mic to avoid wind noise, but there is some of that, apologies. I'll do better for CppCon next September assuming I am allowed to present!