Niall Douglas | | |
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx |
xxxx xx xxxxxxx | Date of Birth: xxxx xxx xxxx |
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rev. 6.4 (2014-02-10) xmlprofile: 'Everything' |

Expert: 6502, 68000, ARM, x64, x86, C, C++, Python, SQL, XSL, Boost, FOX, jQuery, OpenSSL, Qt, X11, POSIX Unix (Linux, FreeBSD), RISC-OS, µCOS, Windows, embedded systems (kernel and driver development), multiprocessor & multithreaded systems, object orientation, stream and GPU high performance computing, performance tuning, generic programming, distributed programming.
Proficient: C#, Javascript, PHP, VBA, .NET, OpenGL, DEC VMS, Plone, functional programming, project management.
Competent: GLSL, HLSL, Java, Logo, LISP, OpenCL, DirectX, Google Android, Apple Mac OS X, Symbian, Zope, Good Conversational Spanish, Good Reading/Writing Spanish.

Postgraduate: PGCert in Educational and Social Research, University of London ( — ), Merit; MBS in Business Information Systems, National University of Ireland Cork ( — ), 2H2.
Undergraduate: Higher in MT365 Graphs, Networks and Design, Open University ( — ), C; Higher in M208 Pure Mathematics, Open University ( — ), C; MA in Joint Honours in Economics & Management, University of St. Andrews ( — ), 2H1; BSc in Software Engineering, University of Hull ( — ).
Further Education: Certificate in Introduction to Complexity, The Santa Fe Institute ( — ), Pass (95%).

Experiences Relevant To Everything:
- Advanced RISC Machines (ARM)
- Applied Research Associates
- BlackBerry Inc.
- Colton Software
- Cork English College
- Intelligent Systems Design (ISD)
- Irish Hydrodata
- Kestrel Communications
- Libro Credit Union
- MaidSafe Ltd
- National University of Ireland Cork
- Protechnic Computers
- Setroson S.A.
- Business Lecturer [Cork English College]
- Chief Software Architect for EuroFighter Fuel & Hydraulic Test Benches [Setroson S.A.]
- Customer Support & Upgrading of PipeDream Office Software for Acorn RISC-OS [Colton Software]
- Debugging and 13% performance improvement of US DoD Planning Project [Applied Research Associates]
- Economics Lecturer [National University of Ireland Cork]
- Further optimisation of US DoD Planning Project gaining a further 10% performance improvement [Applied Research Associates]
- Implemented Radio Over IP via Voice Over IP (Asterisk) [Kestrel Communications]
- Implemented distributed Post Office Address network query service over TCP/IP [Protechnic Computers]
- Implemented reliable wave buoy data collection solution [Irish Hydrodata]
- Owner Representative [Libro Credit Union]
- Performance Optimisation of ARM7 GPS firmware for Guidance Systems [Intelligent Systems Design (ISD)]
- Principal Architect Consultant on Boost, C++, thread safety and reliable UDP [MaidSafe Ltd]
- Senior Software Developer, Platform Development [BlackBerry Inc.]
- Tutor in Economics, Business, Stats, Management and Web Programming [National University of Ireland Cork]
- Wrote i/o driver, EEPROM programmer and refactored DEC's StrongARM uHAL port [Advanced RISC Machines (ARM)]
- Added void * support to the C++ Boost.Python library
- Added symbol visibility support to the GNU Compiler Collection
- BEurtle BE distributed issue tracker GUI plugin for the TortoiseXXX family of SCMs
- Contributed EU VAT support to Plone's Easyshop eCommerce Product
- Implemented a Preemptive Multitasker for Acorn RISC-OS
- Mentor for Boost.AFIO and Boost.Trie C++ libraries [Google Summer of Code 2013]
- Peer Review Managed Boost.TypeIndex C++ library [Boost C++ Libraries]
- Primary Boost C++ Libraries Admin for annual Google funding [Boost C++ Libraries]
- Substantially improved the Brook GPU stream computing runtime, increasing performance forty-fold
- TnFOX template metaprogrammed C++ portability layer
- nedHAL object-orientated Hardware Abstraction Layer for ARM microprocessors
- nedmalloc Thread Caching Memory Allocator
- nedtries Portable Bitwise Fredkin Trie Library
- Institute for Complexity and Innovation, University of Waterloo
- International Standards Organisation (ISO) Working Group 14 committee
- National Standards Authority of Ireland ISO/IEC mirror committees
- University of Hull Student Committees
- University of St. Andrews Student Committees
- University of St. Andrews Student Societies
- World Economics Association
- World Economics Association Conference Committee

- Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards (), Anthem Press, ISBN: 978-0-8572-8459-4
- Freeing Growth: A Neo-Capitalist Manifesto (), ned Productions, ISBN: 978-1-4478-7962-6
- Freeing Growth: A Neo-Capitalist Manifesto (), Google Books
- Freeing Growth: How The World Can Grow Four Times Faster Sustained (), Working Manuscript
- Handbook of Best Practices in C++ 11/14 libraries (), The Boost C++ Libraries
- Large Code Base Change Ripple Management in C++: My thoughts on how a new Boost C++ Library could help (), ArXiv e-prints, Citation key: arXiv:1405.3323
- BB10.0-BB10.1 Memory Footprint Analysis: How do we compare? (), BlackBerry
- Object Components Revisited: Helping to solve the BB10 complexity & scalability problem (), BlackBerry
- BB10.0 Memory Footprint Analysis: How do we compare? (), BlackBerry
- Combining reliability and validity in assessment: Can auditing create the Golden Goose in assessment quality? (), Institute of Education, University of London
- User Mode Memory Page Management: An old idea applied anew to the memory wall problem (), ArXiv e-prints, Citation key: ArXiv:2011arXiv1105.1815D
- User Mode Memory Page Allocation: A Silver Bullet For Memory Allocation? (), ArXiv e-prints, Citation key: ArXiv:2011arXiv1105.1811D
- Choosing a distance TESOL/TEFL: A Personal Report (), College of Teachers
- ISO JTC1/SC22/WG14 (The C programming language) - N1527: Latency Reducing Memory Allocation (), International Standards Organisation, Citation key: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14/N1527
- Modelling the Costs of Climate Change and its Costs of Mitigation: A Scientific Approach (), University Library of Munich, Germany, Citation key: RePEc:pra:mprapa:13650
- Explain "conjectural variation" in Cournot duopoly, evaluate its impacts and discuss the policy implication (), University Library of Munich, Germany, Citation key: RePEc:pra:mprapa:13652
- What is the evidence on the role of foreign direct investment in economics growth, and on the determinants of foreign direct investment flows? (), University Library of Munich, Germany, Citation key: RePEc:pra:mprapa:13651